Updated on Saturday, January 20, 2024
How to Keep Pigeons Away from balcony: A Comprehensive Guide to Deter Pigeons and Maintain a Pigeon-Free Balcony
Pigeons are a common sight in many urban areas, and Chennai is no exception. While they may seem harmless, pigeons can be a nuisance, especially when they take up residence on your balcony. Not only can they make a mess with their droppings, but their cooing can also be quite loud and disruptive. If you're looking for ways to avoid pigeons on your balcony in Chennai, there are a few things you can try.
Pigeons are a common sight in cities, and while they can be interesting to watch, they can also cause problems for people with balconies. If you're wondering how to stop pigeons from coming to your balcony with humane solutions, you're in the right place. Here, we will provide you with practical, bird-friendly tips and solutions to prevent pigeons from visiting your balcony while ensuring their well-being, so you can enjoy a clean and pigeon-free outdoor space.
How to keep pigeons off balcony
Controlling or avoiding birds, especially pigeons, on your balcony can be done using various methods. Pigeons mostly live in buildings, like houses and offices. Other birds, like crows and many others, live in trees and nature too. If there are pigeons at your place, you should do something fast. Pigeons can be really annoying, and they can even be a danger to our health. Their droppings are not only messy but can also damage things like metal and concrete. We can use easy and sensible methods of how to get rid of pigeons at home, especially on balconies.

The problems that pigeons can cause
• Mess & Nesting: Pigeons create unsightly mess and nesting, defacing properties and causing cleanliness issues.
• Health Risks: Pigeon droppings pose health risks, carrying diseases that can be harmful to humans.
• Noise and Disturbance: Pigeon cooing and flapping wings can disrupt peace and quiet, causing disturbances.
• Unpleasant Odor: Accumulated pigeon droppings emit a foul odor, creating an unpleasant environment.
• Aesthetic Issues: Pigeon presence can spoil the visual appeal of buildings and public spaces.
• Pest Attraction: Pigeons attract other pests, exacerbating the overall pest problem in the area.
• Safety Hazards: Pigeon droppings make surfaces slippery, leading to potential slip-and-fall accidents.
• Corrosive damage to buildings: Pigeon droppings are corrosive and can damage the structure of buildings over time.
• Blocked gutters and drainage: Accumulated debris from pigeon droppings can block gutters and drainage systems, causing water-related issues.

How to keep pigeons off balcony
1. Killing pigeons - Not advisable. Generally prohibited in public. Injuring or killing pigeons – never the solution. This can involve shooting them, using poisons, setting traps, or even bringing in birds of prey like hawks.
2. Reducing Pigeon Reproduction - Not advisable. Socially unacceptable. This means stopping pigeons from having babies by using bird birth control, breaking their nests, or using special birdhouses where you can remove or replace their eggs.
3. Physically Excluding Pigeons - This is about using things like sharp things, wires, slides, or tracks that give pigeons a little shock to keep them away.
4. Using Detterents - This includes using loud sounds, fake birds, bright lights, propane cannons, or trained birds like hawks to make pigeons leave.
5. Using pigeon repellent balcony -. This involves using things like sticky gels, special gels, smoky fogs, or strong-smelling vapors to make pigeons go away.
6. Using Pigeon Netting & Spikes – This approach is budget-friendly and doesn't hurt the pigeons. Durable and Long Lasting.

Here are some effective ways to prevent pigeons from coming to balcony
1. Sprinkle pepper powder in the area used by pigeons

Method: If pigeons like to hang around a particular area, sprinkle some pepper powder in that spot. Pigeons don't like the strong smell of pepper, and it can discourage them from staying in that area
1. Effective Deterrent
2. Non-Harmful: Using pepper powder is a humane way to deter pigeons without causing them harm.
3. Low Cost
1. Temporary Solution: The effectiveness of pepper powder may diminish over time, requiring frequent reapplication.
2. Weather Impact: Rain or wind can wash away the pepper powder, reducing its effectiveness.
3. Inconvenience: Sprinkling pepper powder can be messy, and you may need to clean the area afterward.
4. Limited Coverage: Pepper powder only affects a specific area, so it may not deter pigeons from other parts of your property.
2. Hang wind chimes to create sound

Method: Wind chimes make nice sounds when the wind blows.
1. Bird Deterrent: The sounds produced by wind chimes can help deter birds from your balcony.
2. Aesthetic Appeal: Wind chimes can enhance the visual appeal of your outdoor space with their various designs and materials.
1. Noise Level: Wind chimes can be noisy.
2. Neighbourhood Disturbance: Loud wind chimes can disturb neighbours.
3. Maintenance: Wind chimes may require occasional cleaning and maintenance to keep them looking and sounding their best.
4. Effectiveness: While they can deter some birds, wind chimes may not be effective at deterring all types of birds.
3. Hanging decoy birds

Method: Hanging decoy birds is a way to scare away real birds.
1. Bird Deterrent: Decoy birds, like fake owls or hawks, look like real predators to other birds. This scares away smaller birds that might cause problems.
1. Effectiveness: Decoy birds might not work on all bird species.
2. Maintenance: You may need to move or change the decoy's position occasionally to maintain its effectiveness.
4. Regular Cleaning

• Gather Cleaning Supplies: Get cleaning tools like brooms, mops, buckets, and cleaning products.
• Pick a Schedule: Decide how often you want to clean, like weekly or monthly.
• Start Cleaning: Sweep or mop the floors, dust surfaces, and scrub away dirt and stains.
• Dispose of Waste: Throw away trash and used cleaning materials.
• Repeat: Keep following your cleaning schedule to maintain a clean space.
1. Keeps Things Clean: Regular cleaning makes your space look nice and tidy.
2. Healthier: It removes dust, allergens, and germs, creating a healthier environment.
3. Prevents Damage: Cleaning can help prevent damage to surfaces and items.
1. Time-Consuming: It can take time and effort, especially for larger spaces. 2. Cost: You may need to buy cleaning products and equipment. 3. Maintenance: You'll need to keep cleaning regularly to maintain the cleanliness.
5. Pets

Method: You can use cats and dogs to scare pigeons away from your balcony because pigeons are afraid of these pets.
Natural Deterrent: Pets are natural bird deterrents because birds see them as threats.
1. Balcony Safety: Make sure the balcony is safe for your pet, with no gaps they can slip through or dangerous objects.
2. Pet Care: Owning a pet comes with responsibilities like feeding, grooming, and regular vet visits.
6.Reflect light using a old CD

• Get a CD: Find an old compact disc (CD)
• Hang or Position It: Hang the CD by a string or tape it to a spot where you want to reflect light. Make sure it can move in the wind.
• Sunlight or Light Source: When sunlight or another light source hits the CD, it will reflect light in different directions.
1. Scare Birds: The reflected light can deter birds from that area as it may confuse or startle them.
2. Inexpensive: Using an old CD is a low-cost solution.
1. Aesthetics: Some people may not like the look of CDs as decorations.
2. Effectiveness: The method may not work for all types of birds or in all situations.
7. Move the pigeons’ nests to a safer spot

Note: It's essential to consider local laws and regulations related to wildlife before attempting this.
• Identify the Nest: Locate the pigeon nest carefully without disturbing it. • Prepare a New Spot: Find a safer location nearby where pigeons can build their nest without causing problems. • Gently Relocate: Using gloves, gently move the nest and eggs (if any) to the new spot. Ensure it's secure and safe. • Observe: Keep an eye on the nest to see if the pigeons adapt to the new location.
Safety: Moving the nest can protect the pigeons from potential hazards in their previous location.
1. Stress: Relocating the nest can stress the pigeons and may lead to nest abandonment.
2. Legal Concerns: In some areas, it may be illegal to interfere with pigeon nests due to wildlife protection laws.
3. Ineffectiveness: Pigeons may return to their original location or abandon the relocated nest, making the effort ineffective.
8. Bird Gels

Bird gels are like sticky stuff you put on the roof to make pigeons not want to land there. They don't hurt pigeons but feel weird to them.
They work well, don't cost much, and are not very noticeable.
Putting them on steep roofs can be hard, and you have to change them regularly.
9. Shock Them Away

If pigeons like to sit on a certain spot, you can put something there that gives them a little electric shock when they land.
1. Effectiveness: Electric shock deterrents are usually quite effective in discouraging pigeons from landing in specific areas.
2. Humane: They do not harm pigeons but provide a mild deterrent, making it a more humane option compared to some other methods.
3. Selective: Electric shock deterrents target only the areas where they are installed, minimizing disruption to other parts of your property.
1. Potential Fire Hazard: Improper installation or malfunction can lead to a fire hazard, posing a risk to your property.
2. Maintenance: These systems require regular maintenance to ensure they work correctly, which can be an ongoing cost.
3. Aesthetics: Some people find these devices unattractive and may not want them on their property.
4. Not Suitable for All Situations: Electric shock deterrents may not be appropriate in locations where there's a risk of harm to people or other animals.
5. Legal Restrictions: In some areas, there may be legal restrictions on the use of electric shock deterrents for birds.
Pigeon Net Installation

Netting made of HDPE nylon nets can help stop pigeons from sitting on balcony. For pigeon control, it's best to use a net with 50mm gaps.
Effective Protection against birds Non Harmful Cost effective Easy Installation Easy uninstall and install while painting and shifting Easy to use Durable based on the material type Can be used on a variety of surfaces Low Maintenance
Warranty only 3 to 7 Years based on the material type Can’t protect rats
Bird Spikes (Plastic)

Method of Using Bird Spikes
• Get Bird Spikes: Bird spikes are like pointy strips made of plastic or metal.
• Attach Them: Put the bird spikes on surfaces where birds like to land or perch.
• Deter Birds: Birds can't comfortably land on the spikes, so they go somewhere else.
• Check and Maintain: Make sure the spikes stay in place and replace them if needed.
• Effective: Bird spikes stop birds from landing without harming them.
• Low Maintenance: Once installed, they usually work without much upkeep.
• Aesthetics: Some people may not like how they look on buildings or structures.
• Initial Cost: Buying and installing bird spikes can be a bit pricey.
Safest & Permanent Solution for Pigeon problem
Using bird netting is a good idea. It's a strong and effective way to keep birds like pigeons away from your balcony.

How to Install
To install bird netting on your balcony, follow these steps:

• Bird netting (appropriate size and mesh)
• Drilling Machine
• Cable ties or net clips
• Border Ropes
• Hooks or eye screws (if needed)
• Ladder or scaffolding (if necessary)
• Scissors or utility knife

Product Specification
• Material Type : Garware, HPDE Nylon Nets
• Shape: Square
• Color: White, Milky White, Transparent and Green
• Gap : 50 mm, 40 mm
• Thickness: 2.5 mm

• Maintains hygiene.
• Keep the balcony as clean.
• Balcony Bird netting is a permanent solution to control the birds
• Extremely strong Harmless and easy maintenance
• Balcony bird netting can be fixed according to the need
• No more damages to ac outlet
• Free from bird infestations.
• Protection shield for kids and pets from high rise structures

Frequently Asked Questions about Pigeons
What are pigeons most afraid of?
Pigeons get scared of loud sounds, strong lights, shiny stuff, things that reflect light, and things that look like predators or scare them away.
How do you keep pigeons away permanently?
To make pigeons stay away permanently, you need to do different things like getting rid of their food, blocking their ways in, using things that scare them, and changing their living spaces and using Bird netting.Bird Netting is the effective solution.
What smells do pigeons dislike?
Pigeons don't like the smell of some things like cinnamon, pepper, cloves, garlic, and eucalyptus.
What noise scares pigeons away?
Pigeons can get scared if they hear loud and unexpected sounds. Things like claps, hisses, sounds of big birds, and high-pitched noises from machines can make pigeons fly away because they don't like those sounds.
How do I keep pigeons off my balcony?
To stop pigeons from coming to your balcony, you can use things like nets or spikes, put up fake owls or snakes to scare them, or use machines that make sounds they don't like. Also, make sure your balcony is clean and doesn't have food or water that pigeons like.